Muncie 4 Speed Transmission Speedo Gears
Muncie Speedo GearsIf you're undertaking a Muncie transmission T10 speedometer gear replacement or need a T5 speedometer drive gear for a repair job, we've got a full line of quality pencil speedometer gears and speedo accessory parts here, custom manufactured by Transolutions and ready for immediate delivery (usually shipped within 24 to 48 hours). We also offer several Muncie steel speedometer drive gears, the Muncie 4-speed speedometer gear housing (known as the Steel Bullet) and the retainer bracket needed for the Steel Bullet installation. Choose from six different GM speedometer gears, known as pencil speedometer gears, in the following configurations: Gray – 22 teeth, T5-19D, Black – 23 teeth, T5-19E, Blue – 20 teeth, T5-19, Red – 21 teeth, T5-19C and White – 19 teeth, T5-19A.